Lab Grade Water Testing On Site

8 Tests in Less Than 2 Minutes!
All your major water parameters tested in moments! Alkalinity, Ammonia NH3, Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrate NO3, Nitrite NO2, pH, and Phosphate PO4! We have thousands of dollars in cutting-edge machinery that gives ultra accurate tests in minutes.
Get In Touch

Using a State of the Art Waterlink Spintouch
The new WaterLink® Spin Touch® FF photometer does all major 8 tests at once! Just fill one unique cartridge with 3 mL of water and all your vital tests are done automatically and accurately—in just 2 minutes! It's the most advanced system for precise use of wet chemistry methods ever produced.
Get In TouchFrequently asked questions
Get In TouchHonestly, cost. Hand mixed reagents are cheap, very cheap. Some costing cents per test. The Spintouch is the latest, and greatest, and because of that it comes with a steep premium. Our tests cost roughly $10 per run, 100x what your home aquarist or one of our competitor pays. But we strive to make reefing easier for everyone, and accurate tests are the bedrock that goal is built on.
Home users and our competition use reagents mixed by hand, and put in small handheld testers. The worst of them make you guess the color, the best guess it for you. Add to the fact that unless your equipment is immaculately clean, your results will vary from kit to kit. Not only are they inaccurate, but it takes quite awhile to do. And nobody has the patience to do 8 tests for you. At best they will test 2-3 parameters, which means you might miss a key parameter affecting your livestock.