- Vibrant Algaecide
- Emerald Crabs
- Manual Removal
- By hand, manually remove as much of the algae as possible. Use a small hose to break off pieces and suck them out to minimize spores. Focus on removing what you can see by hand.
- Dose Vibrant Algaecide
- Start dosing Vibrant. You can usually dose up to three times the recommended amount without issues, but be cautious. The more coral you have and the more sensitive they are, the less algaecide you should use. We recommend starting with half the recommended dose, then increasing to a full dose, and gradually ramping up to double the normal dosing every week. Monitor your tank closely during this process.
- Add Emerald Crabs
- Introduce emerald crabs to your tank. The rule of thumb is one crab per 20 gallons of water. Emerald crabs are voracious eaters of bubble algae and prefer it over almost anything else, making them an excellent addition for algae control.