Aiptasia and Majano anemones are removed the same way. They are different in appearance but similar in treatements.

- Aiptasia Eating Filefish (reef safe with caution)
- Peppermint Shrimp Lysmata wurdemanni (reef safe)
- Australian Stripey (not reef safe)
- Copperband Butterflyfish (reef safe)
- Berghia Nudibranch
- Aiptasia-X, F-Aiptasia, Aiptasia Exit

Aiptasia and Majano anemones are notoriously difficult to get rid of and almost always require a multi-pronged approach.
Usually a combo of pest eating animals and a chemical solution is best. An Aiptasia Eating Filefish, Copperband Butterfly and some Peppermint Shrimp are a great animal solution. Besides that it is best to use one of the chemicals (6) to get the anemone’s you can reach.
The silver bullet solution is Berghia Nudibranch, with a catch. They are not always available plus cannot be put in a tank with animals that will eat them (wrasses, any predator fish, damsels etc).
This is an ongoing battle and it does take time to rid your tank of the pest, but a bit of perseverance and animal help goes a long way.