Lymphocystis (Lympho) manifests as wart-like growths in white or beige color, typically starting on fins and spines and occasionally spreading to the body. It can also extend to internal organs like the gills. Initially, it may resemble Ich but distinguishes itself by growing in size over time. Lymphocystis is a lifelong virus that many fish harbor. Thankfully, it seldom causes harm or fatality to the fish, and its symptoms may fluctuate periodically.

- Vitamin Suppliment
- Beta Glucan
- Garlic Suppliment
- High Quality Frozen Food (eg LRS)
- Seachem Focus
While it is not usually harmful to fish, it can grow and impar the fishes ability to eat and swim, it is also unsightly. It is a virus but vitamins2, high quality foods, garlic and Beta Glucan1 have been shown to push it into remission. Combine the vitamins, garlic and beta glucan in the high quality food, and add Seachem Focus as a binder.
Feeding high quality food with suppliments and keeping the water quality at a pristine level will reduce the flare ups almost all together.
- https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/are.15086#:~:text=The%20immunomodulatory%20role%20of%20%CE%B2,resistance%20towards%20various%20infectious%20diseases.
- https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/fa181