Emergency Treatment for Popeye

Emergency Care

The condition is recognized by the swelling of one or both eyes. If only one eye is swollen, it’s often due to an injury. However, when both eyes are affected, they tend to appear cloudy. This could result from an initial injury in one eye leading to an infection that spreads to the other eye, or it could be caused by a parasite such as Flukes infecting the eyes and triggering a secondary infection.


Either 1 & 2 if no flukes are present, or 3 if not caused by flukes.

  1. Metheleyne Blue
  2. Erythromycin Antibiotic
  3. Prazipro


Do you notice any small cloudy spots that might indicate eye flukes? If so, a freshwater dip can dislodge many of them. If flukes do come off, follow up with a bath using a product like Prazipro containing Praziquantel to effectively remove the flukes. Follow this link for more information Emergency Fluke Treatment

If there are no signs of eye fluke causing Popeye, follow the following treatment options:

  • A 30-minute bath in methylene blue at 6ppm, which is 1 ml per gallon (or 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons) is recommended due to its antiseptic and antibiotic properties, which can assist with minor infections, scrapes, cuts, and similar issues common in some species. Follow instructions on the bottle.
  • As a more advanced or follow-up treatment, a 30-minute bath in Erythromycin, is often effective in addressing infections that lead to “Popeye” conditions. Follow instructions on the Erythromycin packaging.

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